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We are Family Promise of MidCoast Maine

Homelessness is not just a national problem, it is a real problem here in MidCoast Maine. Many families and youth double-up with family or friends, couch surf, stay in motels, or settle for substandard housing. There is no family or youth shelter in Waldo County.

Last November, a panel discussion was held on the subject of homeless children and youth in the MidCoast, with an emphasis on Waldo County. You can see a video of the Zoom feed of the event here. Runs one hour, 14 minutes.

Mission Statement

The mission of Family Promise of MidCoast Maine is to help families without housing and families who struggle with impending housing loss to achieve their housing goals through a community-based response.

Statement of Welcome

Family Promise of MidCoast Maine does not discriminate based on creed, nationality, race, ethnic belonging, physical ability or disability, learning style, gender, gender expression, age, or any other distinguishing trait not relevant to housing or housing-related support.

Our own promise within Family Promise of MidCoast Maine is this: We promise to do all we can to ensure that our community partners and our faith community resources work with us to ensure that Family Promise hospitality and support is universally welcoming not only in spirit but also in practice.

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Supported by United Midcoast Charities